Commercial Uninsulated Charbroiler
Our NSF Certified Uninsulated Charbroiler is designed to burn wood or charcoal below sloped, grease draining, flareup avoiding Argentine style grates or our signature 3/8" individually removable square grates. Precise temperature control is accomplished by a height adjustable fuel grate. Raise it to sear and drop to finish meats at a low temperature. The fuel grate is available in mesh, or can be fitted with firebricks depending on the cooking style preferred. Available with a discrete hidden crank to raise or lower the fuel grate or exhibit the workings of this grill with a large wheel in the open for everyone to see. Customers have even outfitted this grill with a rear brasero to allow them to exhibit the making of embers to all who wish to see.
Available in a variety of sizes, from 24" to 36" deep, and 30", 36", 48", 60", and 72" wide.
Call for Pricing 916-794-0707